Sunday, December 29, 2013

Well, one of my New Year's resolutions is to blog more frequently and to once more move my website/online shop to another location.
Since the second one is harder I thought I'd start the blog up again, by returning to google blogger which is where I used to have my photography blog!
Of course I have some other more personal resolution which include living a healthier life, exercising more, eating well, spending more time with friends and family, shooting more things for fun, entering more photo contests....blah blah blah blah!

But for now, I'm happy to be blogging again!

Here are some photos I took during the holidays!

 My view coming downstairs
                                                              My favorite girls in the whole world!

            A view of the moon through the skylight in my bedroom!

A view from my home office

                                                            A couple of my favorite ornaments!

                                          My reward after a day or decorating!

My favorite Santa candle on a ladder in front of my tree!